Kids like Andre Brooks, Archie Gray, and Bailey Cadamarteri are fine, but the reason so many aren’t – Stuart Rayner

kids like Andre Brooks, Archie Gray and Bailey Cadamarteri are all right, the reason so many are getting their chance isn’t – Stuart Rayner does a good job of recording injuries across the Premier League and as of Wednesday afternoon, they listed 136 players missing.

Bailey Cadamarteri: Sheffield Wednesday striker signs new deal - BBC Sport

If that does not tell you football has a problem, nothing will. Unfortunately those in a position to do something about it have been in no mood to listen for a very long time.

For clubs not in European competition, the schedule is much more forgiving than in the Football League, where the numbers are probably worse still but not so well collated. Certainly League Two Doncaster Rovers will not be shedding many tears for their counterparts in the world’s richest domestic league as Grant McCann deals with treatment-room overcrowding.

Sheffield United absentees are into double figures with only Chelsea (12), Manchester United and Newcastle United (both 11) having it worse in the division. It has certainly shown in some of the performances from those three clubs lately.

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