Brighton star thrust into the public eye after an unfortunate incident that involves the national team’s “chaos”…

While on international duty this week, Brighton & Hove Albion’s Pascal Groß discovered how difficult it can be to find privacy in the world of modern sports.

This is stated by BILD, who relate a tragic and humorous tale of the Brighton player and a few of his German teammates who were enmeshed in “chaos” this past week.

According to the publication, this week’s “harmless team-building exercise” for the Germany team resulted in a “full red flag.”

On Thursday night, the group had planned an innocuous outing to an Italian steakhouse that Kevin Trapp, the goalie for Eintracht Frankfurt, had selected.

At 8:05 p.m., they entered the restaurant before spending two hours enjoying themselves and generally relaxing before their clash with Turkey.
But ‘then things got strange’. The team bus arrived to collect the group, but five of them, including Brighton’s Groß, left through the side entrance.

Rather than getting the bus, they headed for a waiting taxi, but were then met with ‘constant, blaring honking’ coming from the vehicle that the driver couldn’t stop.

This went on for so long and caused such a fuss that the local residents came out of their houses to watch and film the ‘strange scenario’ and the unfortunate drivers’ attempts to rectify the situation.

In the interim, the rest of the team emerges and gets on the bus before taking off without their teammates. Cue ‘emergency braking’ and DFB security officer José Meneses emerging on his phone to the Brighton man and his teammates, who were now back in the restaurant and stuck after abandoning their taxi plan.

They eventually reunited with their teammates, headed back to the hotel, and presumably faced the ridicule of the rest of the group, who had avoided the chaos by simply sticking to the original script.


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